Join the Senior Pattern Association
or renew your membership

You may join the SPA as a regular member for annual dues of $20 or
you may also become a Life Member according to the schedule below.

Less Than 50 years old $250
50 through 54 years old $200
55 through 59 years old $175
60 through 64 years old $150
65 through 69 years old $125
70 years old or older $100

There are two methods to pay SPA Dues

Mail a Check
Click here to download the SPA paper Membership Application
and mail to the address on the form.
Pay with

or credit card


Select 1 or 2 years of annual membership or
Life membership based on your current age from the list below
then click the BUY NOW button to complete payment.

The amounts below reflect your dues payment plus PayPal fees of $0.49 + 3.49% of the amount paid.

Select Membership Duration